I don’t often talk about my passion for face powders. But boy, do I love them. And I adore trying new ones! So today, let me introduce you to the brand new Laura Mercier Candleglow Sheer Perfecting Powders!
How to: long lasting makeup tips
It’s finally summer and where I live, in the UAE, it basically means that it’s officially oven time! (Hooray!) So I thought the timing was perfect to talk about my tips for a long-lasting makeup!
Brands and influencers: Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Yes, now, if you have a blog that generates a lot of traffic, a successful YouTube channel or Instagram account (and/or Snapchat / Twitter / Facebook…) with a lot of subscribers/followers, you’re no longer part of the common bloggers category anymore, no, you’re now an influencer. The result is that blogging has became a lot more focused on business than it previously was, and partnerships with brands are now completely OK.
Won’t bloggers risk losing their independence through too many partnerships with brands? And what about the honesty & transparency with their readers?
Laura Mercier Lip Parfait Creamy Colourbalm, my review
A lip balm/ lipstick with a dessert name? Laura Mercier knows how to tempt me with her new Lip Parfait Creamy Colourbalm!
I’m a big fan of Laura Mercier for the base products. But I confess I’ve never really got interested in her lipsticks range.