It’s finally summer and where I live, in the UAE, it basically means that it’s officially oven time! (Hooray!) So I thought the timing was perfect to talk about my tips for a long-lasting makeup!
How to choose your daily sunscreen protection?
Daily sunscreen protection has always been super important to me. It was already in the past but now that I’m living in Dubai, it has become a true obsession.
I’ve already told you in my Daily UV protection post, that to protect your skin from UV rays is the most effective way to slow the effects of skin aging.
Indeed, the sun and its UV rays have devastating effects on the skin in short term, but more specifically and just as much in the long term if you don’t protect your skin.
You’ve been using your shampoo wrong this whole time (so was I)
“What? She thinks she can teach us how to use something as simple as shampoo? It’s not rocket science, is it?” Well believe me, it’s not as simple as you think! wink Between taking care of your hair and damaging it, the line is a thinner than you think. Washing your hair is more often than not a daily gesture, so you can […]
10 key questions for an effective skincare routine
Inundated with information about skincare? Feeling it’s impossible to find an effective skincare routine… We often hear anything and everything about the skin: ‘the right gestures’, the miracle skincare products promising a ‘complete transformation of your skin’…
In this post, I want to focus on questions that I have often been asked in my professional life.
I worked for a cosmetics brand as a trainer for spas and beauticians for almost 10 years. I have often met regular customers in pharmacies, department stores, beauty counters while I was training the sales personnel…
Bombarded with so many cosmetics adverts, magazine articles and of course beauty blogs, why wouldn’t you feel overwhelmed. It’s so tempting to buy the latest skincare product from [fill in the blank] because you so want to believe in miracles. And of course at the end, more often than not, you feel disappointed.
5 surprising reasons you have acne
Acne is unfortunately not only juvenile. Sometimes, the most random things can cause acne’s unexpected come-back as an adult even when you are careful with hygiene. There are several forms of acne, here are the most common: – Hormonal acne, the most common. It’s the teenage acne, but it can also occur when there are some hormonal disturbances […]
How to do an at-home nail manicure that lasts?
If, like me, you are tired of redoing your manicure every 2 days, the following post will probably interest you…
Over the past few years, I’ve been wearing nail polish a lot and I love changing colours. The one thing I’d like to change, is that my manicures and the lovely varnish I spend a long time putting on my nails, can last for more than 2 days…
Evening makeup for the Cavalli Club Dubai’s French Night
I was recently invited to the launch of the French nights at the Cavalli Club in Dubai , “C’est la vie”.
The concept of these evenings?
How to apply bronzer make-up?
The bronzer make-up, vast subject… often misused, misunderstood and believe me, I have been the first! Difficult when you do not have a proper user manual, is not it?
Because this is a subject that fascinates me and I have a lot of things to tell you, I’ll make this post into 2 parts: the first part will be devoted to technique and the second one will be about some products.
So what is a bronzer exactly?
The perfect eye concealer
Happy new year! I wish you the best for 2014 !
I hope you had good holidays and that you are not too tired…
For me, this is really the time of year I look knackered ! And in the role of the uninvited guests, the huge dark circles…
And yes, even though I moved to a country where it is sunny all year round, I came here with my French winter complexion and I have not really taken the time to make me tan!
Nevertheless, I really have dark circles all year, tan or not…
I turn into 35 recently, and if I ‘m lucky to still be rather untouched by wrinkles, my dark circles, which have always been sufficiently present widen more.