If like me, you’re a skincare addict, you’ve probably heard about the skincare brand whose name has been on everyone’s lips for a few months: The Ordinary. If not, let me introduce you to this skincare phenomenon!
Is Multi-Masking worth it?
Multi-Masking is one of the latest trends in the beauty addicts community. I’ve been a big fan of face masks for ages, so I thought it was worth me taking a closer look!
Indeed, why limit yourself to a single face mask when you can use several? (in French, we say something ironic like: “Why would you simplify things when they can complicate them?” which sums up perfectly the Multi-Masking concept IMO :P )
Daily skin exfoliation: why and how
It’s finally springtime! I don’t know you, but usually at this time of year, I always want to do a kind of “skincare spring cleaning”. I want a glowy, super luminous skin. And because light is only reflected by a perfectly smooth skin, daily skin exfoliation is the perfect gesture for effectively renewing those skin cells and to ensure the smoothest skin texture.
Ask Bonnie #1: Exfoliant, scrub, peeling… what are they?
I decided to start a new section on the blog: ‘Ask Bonnie’, and I’ll try to answer any questions you may have about cosmetics. Yes, because I’m ambitious like that! In this section, I would like to talk about products but also give some tips. I’ve got lots of ideas, but I’d love you to […]