It’s finally summer and where I live, in the UAE, it basically means that it’s officially oven time! (Hooray!) So I thought the timing was perfect to talk about my tips for a long-lasting makeup!
MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipsticks, my review
I literally couldn’t wait to try these Mac Retro Matte liquid lipsticks!
The least you can say is that MAC took their time, offering their version of one of the most popular makeup products of the moment: matte liquid lipsticks. So they were very highly expected!
My Must-Have MAC neutral eyeshadows
I have always been fascinated by MAC eyeshadows… like any other beauty blogger, obviously! wink It started when I was studying beauty many moons ago… I have told this story so many times, but we had to buy makeup for our exams and I chose to contain myself in the amount of makeup I bought so […]
Obsessed by: dark lips for Fall
I’m obsessed with dark lips right now… Because, yes, finally, it’s Fall!
Well, not really here in Dubai, it’s still more than 30 degrees outside during the day. But let’s just pretend, right?
Summer lipsticks 2014 feat. MAC, Lipstick Queen & Tarte Lipsticks
So, let’s go on with the lipsticks summer saga, shall we? And today, a special edition : “summer lipsticks 2014”! The lipsticks I mentioned in my first post of the summer lipsticks blog series, were not really summer lipsticks, so today let’s make it more summer friendly… MAC Alluring Aquatic Mystical: This lipstick is part of […]
The secret of Kylie Jenner’s pouty mouth
Well, err, her makeup secret! About the rest, I can’t claim anything! wink After extensive research on all kinds of websites, I’m able to reveal it: the secret of Kylie Jenner’s pouty mouth is the intensive use of lip liner (she clearly overdraws her lip line with it). I know, I know, you expect some shocking revelations; […]