I wanted to talk to you about the Bobbi Brown Luxe Lip Color for such a long time!
They were released a little more than a year ago, and despite my desire to get them and the raving reviews I read on my favorite blogs, I waited a while before I decided to try them.
How to: long lasting makeup tips
It’s finally summer and where I live, in the UAE, it basically means that it’s officially oven time! (Hooray!) So I thought the timing was perfect to talk about my tips for a long-lasting makeup!
The perfect eye concealer
Happy new year! I wish you the best for 2014 !
I hope you had good holidays and that you are not too tired…
For me, this is really the time of year I look knackered ! And in the role of the uninvited guests, the huge dark circles…
And yes, even though I moved to a country where it is sunny all year round, I came here with my French winter complexion and I have not really taken the time to make me tan!
Nevertheless, I really have dark circles all year, tan or not…
I turn into 35 recently, and if I ‘m lucky to still be rather untouched by wrinkles, my dark circles, which have always been sufficiently present widen more.